Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How do i get rid of acne scars

Stop acne – how do i get rid of acne scars – hitting the source


beating acne now

Getting rid of acne scars is the next challenge we must face after acne. Some scars left by acne after it heals can be superficial scars; other scars left by acne can be deep scars. If an acne is not treated early with medication or any advance procedures that stops acne it can lead to scarring, these scars can sometimes be deep. If the scars left by acne are on the face, it can affect a person’s self-esteem, it can affect his or her social life, so it is very important to avoid acne scars, you can do this by treating your acne if it is juts starting to develop at an early stage, this way you can stop it from spreading and after it heal you can avoid acne scars.

Use a medication that can remove acne scars, you may want to purchase a medication that has elements that can remove and get rid of acne and acne scars, this kind of medication is a great powerful medication to stop acne and remove acne scars, whether you have no more acne and is just left with acne scars you need this kind of medication because even if you are just using a medication that can only get rid of acne scars but can’t get rid of acne you are only doing the same thing over again, because the medication you have doesn’t have the power to stop acne but can only remove or erase acne scars.

It is very important that whenever you purchase any medication that can remove acne scars it must also contain the power to stop acne, because if it doesn’t have this kind of capability to stop an acne you will just be moving in circles, you can’t focus alone on how to get rid of acne scars, you need to also focus on how you can stop your acne, because if you stop your acne while erasing acne scars using any medication that has this kind of capability, you will be able to get rid of your acne and acne scars fast.

Purchasing such medication that has no power to stop an acne is risky because there is a big tendency that your acne may develop again, giving you more acne scars. You can’t just rely on medications that can only remove acne scars, because the more acne you will have the more scars you will have.

You need to focus on the source that produces acne scars and the source is acne. It is advisable to have this kind of medication that has double action effect it not only stop acne but will also remove all the scars left by acne.

An example of these elements that stops acne while erasing acne scars are the benzoyl peroxide and aloe Vera.

Benzoyl peroxide plays a vital role when it comes to stop acne, this element go deep inside the skin and kills all the bacteria to prevent it from developing, benzoyl peroxide can eliminate acne fast it can eliminate any kinds of can, prevent future breakouts and can stop redness on the acne affected skin, benzoyl peroxide is an outstanding substance when it comes to fight acne, it beats acne from the inside-out and it really works because it penetrates the skin deep.

Aloe Vera is known to remove, minimize acne scars or any scars on the skin. Aloe Vera has enzymes that regenerate skin tissues, it moisturizes the skin and it has an anti-inflammatory agents and anti-bacterial properties that fight infection. It is use to heal cut, psoriasis, pimples and many skin disorders.

These are very important elements that you can use to get rid of acne and acne scars, if you follow this simple tips and advice, you will be able to free yourself from acne and the scars left by acne, and the best move you can do now, is to start treating you acne now.

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Discover the best way to stop acne and how you can remove your acne scars fast and safely by

beating acne now

Stress Free is Acne Free

Natural Cystic Acne Treatment - Stress Free is Acne Free


Alba Swanson

It starts from a simple whitehead or blackhead, once it becomes inflamed it turns into a red pimple. Cystic acne has the same characteristics of common acne; the only difference is that cystic acne pimples will fill with pus. Acne is painful and can cause irritation however, it does not only affect us physically but also emotionally.

Skin is the largest organ in the body and it is the most visible area of the body. Many may think that poor hygiene is the cause of acne. Unfortunately no one is exempt from having acne. It has been a universal problem and many are spending fortunes in surgical treatments, as well as over the counter remedies.

Recent studies show that there is no one treatment that provides total healing of acne. Many treatments only reduce the risk of having acne. Acne is caused by hormonal imbalance and usually begins during adolescence. Pacnes bacteria are the cause of acne. Topical antibiotics and other over the counter treatments destroy the bacteria and reduced the risk of having acne outbreak. These treatments may cause irritation and inflammation depending on the skin type.

Maintaining a normal hormonal balance combined with a healthy lifestyle is a natural cystic acne treatment. Start with a detoxification diet. Most detoxification diets require that you consume fruits and vegetables. Natural tea made form leaves is an effective approach to help reduce acne. Try to avoid coffee or drinks that contain caffeine, it is not good for your skin. Consuming liquefied food can help in cleansing the digestive system. Water contains anti oxidant that flushes away toxins in the body. It is suggested that you consume at least eight glasses of water a day to obtain a healthy lifestyle.

Once you have finished your detoxification, you must maintain a healthy diet by avoiding unhealthy food such as burgers, french fries, doughnuts and other food with high oil content. If the use of oil cannot be avoided, use olive oil or canola oil instead. Using alternative oils for cooking are proven to help maintain a healthy living.

When one sweats, it flushes away body toxins. Fat can contribute in hormonal imbalance and can trigger an acne outbreak. Sweating out those body fats can make you feel better and may help clear up your skin. Indulging yourself in activities such as aerobics, yoga and other fitness activities are proven to reduce stress and give a relaxing feeling. Involving yourself in sports to help pump out sweat is worth achieving, but the most important thing is physical fitness can contribute in eliminating the impurities in your skin.

Chemicals are commonly harmful to the skin. Exposing your skin to harsh chemicals could harm your skin even more. Astringents, soaps and other facial acne agents contain high acid contents that can worsen your acne condition. A natural remedy said to be a wonder healer is, Aloe Vera. Aloe works in eliminating inflammation and irritation caused by acne. Aloe Vera is a natural astringent which prevents secretion of too much oil without drying the skin. It helps moisturize and hydrate the skin. Aloe has been used as a remedy for minor cuts and wounds and can help in healing cystic acne. It also helps in reducing fine lines cause by aging, soothes sun burn and other skin diseases.

Finally, being optimistic and having a positive disposition in life can help eliminate those unwanted impurities and help achieve that flawless skin look. Stress is a contributing factor in acne outbreak and by taking life lightly and living a stress free life is the best way of achieving an acne free skin.

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Visit our website and learn more about all things related to acne and cystic acne treatments.

Monday, March 21, 2011

5 Insider Beauty Secrets Other Women Don't Want You To Know Part 1

Author: Beth Scott

Imagine what you would do if you knew miracle working
beauty secrets. And if you had the self confidence that comes
with being beautiful.

Now before you laugh and say you'll never be beautiful, listen

I know where you're coming from! At one time I didn't know any
beauty secrets. Before I learned any beauty secrets I was plain, even
bordering on ugly.

I had acne, chapped lips, weight issues, wardrobe disasters, and not
so white teeth. But thats all become past with the 5 beauty secrets
that have changed my life.

But I pulled through them all and learned some valuable beauty
secrets as a result.

Now people are always commenting to me on my beauty. Saying I should
be a model, etc.... And guys are no longer even an issue! I don't
have to look for them, they come to me.

It turns out the best beauty secrets are those that are won by
personal knowledge and experience. Not just by reading general tips
in magazines.

So by experimentation over the years and by perseverance, I've found
out what really works and what doesn't.

Beauty Secret 1

Unchap/beautify your lips with this trick.

For soft, beautifully kissable lips, you need the
following: a washcloth (I'm not kidding either), warm water, and your
favorite brand of lip balm.

First you apply a coat of lip balm. Then wet one corner of the
washcloth, put the warm wet corner of the washcloth between your
lips, press them together and hold for 5 seconds.

Then gently massage any remaining lip balm from lips with the wet
corner of washcloth, and dry lips with a corner thats dry.

Apply lip balm again to keep your lips chap free. You may also apply
lipstick or lip gloss on over the layer of lip balm.

I learned this was the best way to keep lips from chapping, after
going through too many winters with dried, and chapped lips.

Beauty Secret 2

Clear your acne, and get beautiful skin.

For clear glowing skin, a little home remedy does wonders for my
complexion, as it should with yours too.

Steam your face for 20 minutes every night after washing it, then
every other night after steaming your face, massage a half teaspoon
castor oil over face.

Leave it on at night while you sleep and wash off immediately
upon waking. Steam face for twenty more minutes in the morning after
washing. When you finish steaming your face splash your face with
cool water and dry it.

If your skin starts to show any signs of a pimple forming. Take one
night off from steaming and applying castor oil and apply Benzoyl
Peroxide over face.

Take the next night off also from the steaming, castor oil, and
benzoyl peroxide. Continue facial regimen with steaming and castor
oil the following night.

This beauty secret will moisturize your face at the same time it will
help clear up acne and pimples. But only if you work at it

Beauty Secret 3

Good taste in clothes.

When shopping for clothes try to stay away from really big
prints, or weird mixes of colors (eg. green, pink and blue flowers
combined on a white background, for instance).

Clothes like these just scream "I'm color blind!" And if you
in fact, actually are color blind, always shop with a friend who
isn't and has good taste in clothes.

Buy basic colors. Solid reds, pinks, blues, whites, and blacks. Or
things with small tasteful prints and designs.

Then mix and match each basic color with a corresponding one (blue
goes well with white, pink, and sometimes with red, and different
shades of the same color almost always go well together).

Put these beauty secrets to use, and start seeing the benefits today.
Be sure to read Part 2 of this article, which contains the
last 2 beauty secrets.

In Part 2 I'll teach you the beauty secrets for whitening your
smile without draining your bank account. And how to use clothes to
your advantage by hiding figure flaws and defects.

If you want to be gorgeous, sign up to recieve your FREE Beauty
Secrets newsletter jam packed with proven advice and beauty

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The Truth About Home Made Facials

Author: Janice Wee

I started making facial masks after reading several books on natural cosmetics. Common ingredients used in home made facials are eggs, lemon, milk, honey, cucumber, tomato, essential oils and lots more fruits, herbs and other ingredients.

The assumption I had was that home made cosmetics, being all natural and preservative free were much safer than the commercial masks you found in stores. A wrong assumption. You know the saying. Never assume anything. It makes an ASS of U and ME. Did you know some of the deadliest poisons on earth are 100% natural?

There are complaints about preservatives irritating the skin and all that. That may be true especially for a person with very sensitive skin. But preservatives actually make cosmetics safe to use. Preservatives kill or at very least, inhibit the bacteria, mold, viruses and nasty things that would otherwise thrive in the cosmetics we use. Commercial preparations usually contain some preservative or other to make these products safe for use. Some of the very high end cosmetic formulations are packed in sterile capsules to do away with or at least, minimimize, the need for preservatives.

If you make your own skin care for use later in the week, chances are, unless you are anal about sterilizing everything and freezing every batch once it has cooled, thawing it only when you are going to use it, and keeping your cosmetics away from the raw meat in the freezer, eventually, you could find yourself using contaminated home made cosmetics, which could lead to a skin irritation.

I used to make my own skin care but found all the precautions I had to take such a hassle, now I buy mine off the shelves.

Even if you make your facial products for immediate use, you have to be careful about using only the freshest ingredients. A mouldy fruit or anything that is spoilt can lead to disastrous results on your skin.

Then there is the safety of the ingredients used in your skincare products.

I once told a pharmacist about the lemon remedy I was using on my pimples. She was horrified. Lemons are highly acidic. Lemon juice is pH 2. Sulphuric acid is pH 1. Lemons can cause a nasty acid burn if you are not careful.

We had a discussion about this. She told me about a customer who showed up with an acid burn. Turns out, she had a sunburn. Back in Australia, she would soothe that sunburn by rubbing cut cucumber over her skin. The juices would ease the sunburn. This time around, she was unlucky. The cucumber she used was more acidic than the ones she was used to and she ended up with a really nasty acid burn.

Though cucumber is soothing, cucumber contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids as do most fruit and some of the other ingredients used in homemade beauty recipes.

You see, in home made skin care, the exact chemical makeup of the ingredients you use may vary, leading to unpleasant results if you are unfortunate. That is why, everytime you make any facial mask, test it on the inside of your wrist first, before you let that mask touch your face.

I was lucky. The lemon facial I did helped clear my skin by killing the bacteria, without burning my skin. The pharmacist said I was fool hardy. As did my cousin who has been making her own beauty products for years already.

Lemon can thin the skin. It is so acidic. The pharmacist thought the other things, like the almond meal I mixed with the lemon juice helped neutralize the extreme acidity. Also, when I used freshly squeezed lemon juice directly on my face, I would dilute it with water first.

Yet the books I read with home made beauty recipes often include lemon in their recipes. After all, lemon has lightening properties. Lemon juice is often used to lighten freckles. Lemon was even recommended in a book by a former model, for use as a toner.

Not all ingredients are that dangerous though. Oats is an excellent ingredient for use in soothing facials. That was recommended to me by a doctor. For my toddler's rash. Cooked oats in a bag in the bath water is a home remedy to soothe itchy skin. Here is a facial that uses oats and rose water.

A home made face mask can be as simple as putting some mash fruit your face. Fruity facials tried and tested outlines such experiments with fruit.

Different skin types require different ingredients. Dry skin can use richer, nourishing ingredients. Really dry skin would love the moisturizing effect of sweet almond oil or olive oil. Oily skin, on the other hand would break out in pimples if you try massaging these oils on your face. What works for your best friend may be disastrous on you.

The easiest thing to do nowadays is to simply buy a great mask for your skin type off the shelf for your home facial. I use commercial masks these days after some disastrous experiments trying to find new ingredients for new home made facial masks for my site. The successful facials were published with these Home Made Facials .

The writer is the writer of the articles in .

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Pamper Yourself with a Homemade Facial

Author: tiffanywindhurst

One of the best things about homemade facials is any time you're feeling stressed, overtired or just need an indulgence, you can go to your kitchen and whip up some pampering for yourself.

Of-course, there are other benefits to a homemade beauty treatment. Making it yourself means you know exactly what's going onto your skin. This is particularly appealing to those with sensitive skin or allergies. It's also a benefit for anyone trying to diffuse the amount of chemicals and contaminants being absorbed through the pores.

If you've had a long day, but still have plans for the evening, try a quick skin tightening remedy to smooth out the tiredness of the day. A couple of egg whites beaten well with a splash of milk will give you some moisture as well as tighten up haggard skin. In just a few minutes, you'll feel the egg whites tightening your skin, and you can peel the mask away and splash with cool water.

To get the best results from your facial, it's best to start by opening the pores. Hot facecloths applied to the face works well, but steaming your face is the best method. Add some boiling water to a clean bowl and lean over it with a towel draped over your head, falling down around the bowl. The towel acts much like your shower curtain does to prevent the steam from escaping.

Bowling water also reduces the amount of unwanted impurities that can be absorbed by your skin.

For a deep cleansing to unclog pores, a mashed avocado is all you need. Apply to your face and let sit for about 15 to 20 minutes, then wipe away and rinse with cool water. Remember to always close your pores after any cleansing by rinsing with very cool or cold water.

A facial at home is an anytime experience, but it's also a lot of fun for a girl's night or even a fun activity for a bridal shower. You'll be surprised at the amazing and effective skin care products right at your kitchen door.

Discover more gorgeous beauty tips and advice at our beauty website.

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